Internet Presence is Great - Internet Search Presence is Grand

You may be asking why go to this effort to create a Blogger site or Web site in the internet when you possibly have a “generic site” provided by your Network marketing company.  

The simple fact is the internet and on line business is the same as a brick and mortar street side business. Only passers by and people you know by will look in to your business.

It is fine to just add your generic shop site and hope that your friends of some one out there will stumble upon your site and look in and you may think this is how the internet works. But the internet reality is it wont!
For your site to be successful, it has to be all about driving people globally into your store because that generates real success.

Generic sites do not have Unique Search differences in the Internet
Simply because of what is called Internet Search Presence or the ability to have a Ranking.  

The key to getting people into your site is to be on page one of any search and preferably as high on that page above the fold. Your site is visible before the base of the screen, without scrolling down.
To do this you need a high ranking in a search from a Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Or pay a very large amount of money for the privilege to be on the top 3

A Search Engine is a program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found ranked according to relevance A search engine is really a general class of programs, the term is often used to specifically describe systems like Google and Yahoo these enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web.

Because your store site or your business builders site are what are call “generic”, The webots (the search engine robots) look at a generic sites very differently, they over look these sites in a search ranking, Because all of the information in these sites is the same, it is generic the keywords in the documents are exactly the same there are thousands of these same name sites, same keywords and they rank the same. And the search engine finds these easily and dismisses them from a search.

If the search site systems like Google and Yahoo did rank generic sites a search would show hundreds of pages all the same, in the rankings your generic site would be lost in the masses and the users of the search site systems like Google and Yahoo would be not able to find your organic information.

This is Search Engine Marketing - The act of marketing a web site via search engines, improving rank in organic listings on the Internet the World Wide Web .

Generic sites do not have Unique Search differences on the Internet 

Just try a Google search and you will see for yourself, enter your generic site in the search box, you see they do not show up or do but not in your language, but look what is showing up on the search “Teamworldtel and this is real search presence
With the generic sites you have an internet presence and this is great, but you have little or no search presence. People wondering around the Internet cannot find your generic site or store without the full URL your EXACT ADDRESS in the internet shopping mall.

How many sites are out there? Well Billions know one has an exact figure but it is growing every second.
Remember this is just the first step By creating your own unique Blogger site or a unique web site you at least will stand out in the your crowd at your particular Network Marketing niche and that is a grand advantage to attract new people and business to you.

The next step is getting out there in front of your target market as quickly and to as many eyeballs as you can.
It takes time to grow an on line business, keep your expectations in check and use strategies for growth. “Create it and they will come”

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Lead Generation Part 1
Who Do you Know

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If you would like to know more about us or you are looking at a business just take a look at what we are doing. You can do this by enter your details below.
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The Referral - Who do you know?

It is a proven fact that if you use your Business Soul and show you care about your clients and how your products and services make a difference or have made a difference in their lives, your clients will enthusiastically and eagerly send you constant stream of Qualified referrals, would be clients to your business. All you have to do is show your current clients what to do!

Most people in Business Focus on the generic value of what your product or service dose.
You must focus on the incredible contribution or benefit that your product or service has made possible for them.

The moment you alter your focus the way you see yourself and your contribution, everything in your Business changes for the better.
Because if you change your sense of self worth, you change the way you look at relationships with your clients. Because every client becomes a valued and dear friend for life they have befriended you and your business and they trusted your with their critical and intimate Buying decisions and the impact these have on their well being, security, happiness, comfort or prosperity.

Having an understanding of this is very important and it is completely in line with the values that follow.Ask yourself. You wouldn’t allow someone important to a valued friend to make a purchase a decision that would impact negatively on them if you could keep it from happening.
Imagine you family members and friends about to spend money on an important purchases and left to their own devices may make a mistake or choose unwisely, would you not intercede?

The answer is yes, and then does this for your client’s friends. Because anyone important to your valued client, has to by nature become important to you. And this means you must for your clients best interests extend yourself at every level to make your products and services available to anyone in their lives who might need your advice or help.

Make your referral system Formal
Step 1; Ask every client that deals with you but first set the stage. What do I mean by this?
  1. Tell your client you have enjoyed doing business with them and they probably know people like themselves that have the same values and Qualities
  2. Tell your client that you would like to extend to them the opportunity of referring their valued and trusted associates to you.
  3. Then help your client see a clear picture of who in their lives could benefit most from your products and services.
  4. Tell them what person or business it might be that could benefit. Show them that they may be buying products and service's now that are inferior or lesser value.
Step 2; Gratefully offer to talk or meet with anyone important to that client. Explain that you will only offer without expectation of purchase, so your client can see clearly you as a valuable expert with whom they can put their friends and associates in touch with.

Establishing a referral template
Demographics’ “What is your”; your targeted market is the people your product and services are aimed at
The referrer, “the who can”; the people or the businesses that can refer you or put you in touch with your target market.
Get yourself organised.
  • Product must be good and valuable
  • Position yourself as different USA your unique selling advantage.
  • Proud of yourself and what you do.
  • Personable Show interest in your current client value them ask them about themselves.
  • Give logical and emotional reasons why
  • Have your client call or directly contact them
  • Offer incentive if you can to client and possible client
  • Keep in contact with clients that have given referrals in the past
  • Ask for testimonials help them write one.
  • Thank them
Ask questions: and Jog their memory
  • Who do you know …………..
  • People they are in contact with regularly.
  • Or people that they think about because of a social event of some kind
  • Other network marketing people they are in contact with.
  • There are many suggestions on getting referrals.
It all comes to zero. “If you don’t ask your client for a referral” Ask and you shall receive!

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Lead Generation Part 1
Internet Presence is Great – Internet Search Presence is Grand
The information I have shared should get you started on the right track and keep you there, save you time and money.
If you would like to know more about us, or you are looking at a business, just take a look at what we are doing. You can do this by enter your details below.
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Lead Generation Part 1

Lead Generation is the process of attracting people to what you do!
List creation is simply the result of Lead generation
So how do we attract people to what we are doing?
The obvious way is advertising been around for years millions of dollars are spend every day by companies big and small so it must work.The challenge for Home based Businesses is the cost of advertising is prohibitive. So we need to be innovative and look at other ways of Generating Leads as well. 
Your warm list
All network marketing companies will teach you too “make a list” of all the people you know.
This is excellent advice and works well. So Create a List very important.
Research scientist have worked out that the average person comes in contact with a minimum of 2000 people, as we move through our lives. It is remembering them that are the difficulty that is why we use memory joggers and strategies of that like.
Your warm List and your skill level are the only assets you bring when you come to a Networking Business. 
However the challenge with this warm list approach is that you may soon run out of people. Secondly the people you have on your list may not have the skill level to perpetuate momentum and growth. You can teach them but momentum suffers. The need to find new people becomes paramount.
The first possibility is the Referrals “The someone you should meet”. “The who do you know “. 
Referrals are absolutely the best source of qualified business clients with out exception. To master this you need to set up a formal referral system and use it with all of your warm list people. Because having a system formalised means you will use it every time you are presenting to a person whether or not they are becoming a client with you.
  • You are teaching your new client business partner this approach at their presentation and your client will notice and duplicate what you are doing.
  • You are looking for referrals of qualified people they know who know a person and so on.
This is the ethical us of other peoples warm lists do this with the utmost integrity at all times. Remember your Business Soul.
Mastering the way to get referrals is extremely important to your success it is a process. Please follow my blog suggestions on this. Who Do You Know?
Internet and Social Media
These forms of lead generation work better for a business that is more global or national if your Network marketing business is more local, you may not get massive results. But hey it is your business and it is up to you.
Driving people to your sites is the key to generating massive Lead generation. It can take time and a lot of tweaking to get there but when it happens, WOW!
There are some amazing strategies and you will need just to explore the web and experiment.
Remember to focus on your target market, for best results you want to prequalify as many people as you can quickly and with as little time. You are sorting!
I will briefly go through some of the recognised best places to focus on.
But remember if you find something that works for you “Just do more of it”

Facebook is by far the leader in social networks the prime function of Facebook is SOCIAL the boffins at face book have realised that this is a great business resource for lead generation.
I have a blog post: Know Why Facebook Matters to Your Business this post how to maximise Facebook with in the terms and conditions and is very comprehensive.
Also take a look at my Facebook page TEAMWORLDTEL Social Networking.
Take note of the use of the Fan Gate/Like Gate Option of my welcome page. It is difficult to get qualified leads from this but it can be done with the use of Opt in and auto responder technology.
And works best with a personalised website or a Blog like this blog you are on you can also check out this blog Netbizfacts for ideas.
Look at other people’s Facebook and pages and get ideas for yours. Become their friend and like their page.
YouTube is a video publishing and viewing platform. You can create an account, but you will need a Gmail account with Google so set that up first. They are easy to set up. Once a Google Gmail account is set you simply set up a YouTube account. This is where you can publish your video content on line and share it back to Blogs. Websites, Facebook and just about every social networking site you can imagine. It is very simple and YouTube has a major social networking feature and it functions much like Facebook. A blog will be posted soon on how to maximise YouTube I am still working on it

Blogs have gone out of fashion lately but to a network marketer a blog is an essential tool it allows you to post all number of interesting and not so interesting postings on topics. It gives you a website presence without the cost of hosting a web site. I use my blog as a repository for all manner of coaching and training material as you have experience. A blog can be used to advertise you products and services and increase the interaction with people the will eventually become leads for you. The use of Opt in and Auto responders make a blog a powerful tool in lead generation and give you the opportunity to prequalify leads.
There is also the opportunity to monetize your blog and earn and income by becoming and associate with companies like Google ad sense, Click Bank and Amazon.
url address” so you can direct people to your blog or pages in your blog.Video and photos can also be posted. If you were redirected to this site you are on a Blog post or page. I use Facebook as one of my the out there in your face advertising medium for bulk lead generation and direct people to my blog where it is possible to educate and prequalify them and direct them to the best opportunity for them where needed. It is all free. This is a strategy of mine other are different, how you use a blog is up to you but respect this medium it is very powerful.

Websites have all the features of a blog and much more the cost money to host and can require more specialised skills to maintain. If you have these then a site is the way to go. They are harder for most to update and this is possibly the only down side. Use it the same as a Blog direct all your traffic to your site and redirects as directions in the blog section above.
Lead Generation is a very large subject and I will need to create a Part 2 and maybe a part 3 Stay posted.

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Who Do you Know
Internet Presence is Great – Internet Search Presence is Grand

The information I have shared should get you started on the right track and keep you there, save you time and money.
If you would like to know more about us, or you are looking at a business, just take a look at what we are doing. You can do this by enter your details below.
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Welcome to the place of Infinite Possibility and Opportunity

I have come to find throughout my career as an Entrepreneur that there are basically three kinds of income opportunity seekers. Which do you fall under?

You may be a Part Timer. Are you looking to simply supplement your income? Or you just want a little extra spending money. You might be looking for that little bit of extra cash flow that will allow you to pay off debts quicker or a little extra for your monthly bills. Whatever you choose to be will be done part time and will not be your main source of income.

You may be a Full Timer. You are seeking to completely replace your current income. You may have a job you don’t enjoy or a business that is consuming your time, you just want to replace your current income. So whatever income opportunity you find, you’ll be committed to making it happen but content with just replacing and if possible,will accept an increase in income.

Or you may be a Wealth Builder.You are the BIG thinker. You aren’t content with a mediocre income or with just simply replacing or staying at the same level. You are builders and will invest
the time necessary to make sure their income is increasing. You are the leaders in my income opportunity. You are the ones that are teaching the others that are part timers and Full timers how to get what they are looking for and set the pace for other wealth builders. This is the lifestyle change category. You are the ones who reach financial independence and through leverage, have the
time to enjoy it.

So which do you belong to? What are you looking to do? Make a little extra each month, replace your current income or build true wealth? This is an income opportunity for all three individuals….but there’s one thing you should know…..even the wealth builders only work
part-time. This opportunity has leverage, leverage over your time so that you can focus on the more important things in life while achieving your financial goals at the same time.
I am a great believer in truth and choice and if you choose to look further in this information and my blog you will find Truth, Choice, and Opportunity.

Note: I only work with those who are SERIOUS and know exactly what they want to use the income for! So if you are that person, fill out the contact form below and request more information.

The best place to start is at the beginning and that is the page titled “Great Expectations”
When you have read this page you will understand my difference and the values that I hold close.
If they are in alignment with yours, we will have a long and prosperous relationship and I look forward to working with you and helping you grow a very large Enterprise wether it is with us or not.

I congradulate you for deciding to take control and make a difference in your Life
Have fun and enjoy Great Expectations and beyond

Speak soon.

Brian Thompson
I wish you a long and plentiful life in the place of Infinite Possibility and Opportunity.
PS; The information I share should get you started on the right track and keep you there, save you time and money.
If you would like to know more about us, or you are looking at a business, just take a look at what we are doing. You can do this by enter your details below.
It’s free to look. And it is your choice!
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Other useful information
Snippet: Great Expectations "This blog is about “Little Hinges that hold great doors ajar”in your life. This is about your big picture about how you should view your Business and your life from the top of the mountain and the fastest and easiest and safest way to get you there." 

3 Quick and Easy Facebook Tweaks You Can Do Right Now

Our goal is NOT to load you up with "things to do" in your Facebook.

Hopefully you already have an overall approach to how you want to use Facebook for business.

It’s to make consistent daily, weekly, monthly progress. In order to make this progress, you must perform “tweaks” as you go. It’s these “tweaks” that help you reach the point to where you’re doing the minimum amount and still achieving maximum results.

There are 3 Quick Facebook Tweaks You Can Do Right Now

Why Should You Do It? These changes will give your Facebook business page a little extra eyeball time. They make everything count. This always helps as it relates to “getting noticed” and “staying relevant.”

First Facebook Tweak Upload a picture for your Page that is 180×540 pixels

(Note this is you page picture not your Profile) click Post: Know Why Facebook Matters to Your Business

Your Page Picture should accomplish one of the following:

Your Page’s main picture lets people know about upcoming events. And your page Selling headline. NOT YOUR COMPANY NAME ref my page
If you’re hosting an event or webinar. Include text that lets them know when it will take place. Don’t do this all the time, but every now and then it will help remind people that there’s something important going on.

Get your fans involved.
Have them submit pictures demonstrating appreciation of your product. Showcase them as part of your picture. Tell them they will be featured. They will tell their friends to check your page out.

Second Facebook Tweak “Update your page 3-5 times a day”
Keeping your page updated might take a little bit of time, but it helps you stay relevant on people’s news feeds. Remember, people are updating constantly, and if you update only once, it is very easy to get lost in the newsfeed of other Facebook users. Updating a few times a day shows that you are relevant and will ensure that your page gets the attention it needs.

Marketing Is All About the “Tweaks”
Your goal is to find where you can do the minimum amount and still achieve maximum results. This only occurs after a consistent process of making tweaks – slight adjustments. Today you learned 3 such “tweaks” that will help you reach your marketing goals.

Third Facebook Tweak “Let people know you have a Facebook page”.
To do this you need a social Plug-in. A Social Plug-in is html code that you can add to your blog’s sidebar which will render a box with your page’s name, the main image, and you are given an option to show your stream of updates.

To add a Facebook Like Box to your blog’s primary sidebar, follow these directions.
Once inside Facebook, at the top right click
Account/Use Facebook as page/your page
So now you’re logged in as your Facebook Business Page.

NOTE: this post isn’t for you if you don’t have a Facebook Business Page, Not sure if you should have a Facebook Page or not, read this post: Know Why Facebook Matters to Your Business
  • Edit page (top left)
  • Resources
  • Under the “Connect with people” subheading, go to “use social plug-in.”
I recommend the Like Box. The Like Box enables users to like your Facebook Page and view its stream directly from your blog.
  • Choose your color scheme and check the boxes as you desire.
Make sure the Facebook URL is changed to the one for your Page. When finished, click “Get Code” and copy/paste the one under “iframe.” Copy and paste the code on a text document.
  • Now head on over to your blog. Log into your blog and from your dashboard.
  • Find Appearance on your left hand side menu.
  • Under Appearance click on Widgets.
Search among the Available Widgets until you find the Text widget. Grab and drag and drop the Text/ html widget to your Primary Sidebar. Then open the Text/html widget and paste the code into the box. Click “Save”.
  • You should now have the Facebook Like Box on your blog sidebar.
  • You can move this into that position you want
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The information I have shared should get you started on the right track and save you time and money.
If you would like to know more about us or you are looking at a business just take a look at what we are doing. You can do this by enter your details below.
 It’s free to look. And it is your choice!
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I hope this information has been helpful to you and I can be of further help in the future.

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How to Create a Facebook Updating Strategy

Know Why Facebook Matters to Your Business
Don’t ignore it. Facebook is here to stay. It’s now “normal.” 
There are over 600 MILLION plus and growing active users on Facebook It’s safe to say your ideal audience is on Facebook.
Entrepreneurs and businesses of every size have a Facebook Page  and if you don’t, people start thinking you’re “behind the times.”
Facebook can feel guilty that you’re not doing enough. creating a strategy that works for you is so important.
Posting a Facebook Status Update is the most integral facet of Facebook. keep things simple, and be efficient with time and strategy.

It is important to create a Facebook updating strategy that works for you. Because you don’t want to feel guilty about how much or little time you’re putting into being present at Facebook. Start by learning:
  • Why you’re only as good as your last post
  • When to post and what to post
  • The best tools to curate content in your industry
  • Getting started with your action plan
“Getting people to engage and interact with your posts and click the Facebook LIKE button next to your posts is crucial.”
If you’re last post had no interaction at all not only will Facebook take note, but your fans who saw it will too, and quickly become uninterested. That’s why it’s important to track what’s working and what’s not in order to keep your content fresh, inviting and interesting.
It’s a great idea to track the links you share on Facebook using link shortener’s. Like  about using
Because, links save you from long and garish looking URLs. helps you collect, organize, shorten and share your links.All links shared via allow users to view complete, real-time traffic and analytics data. also powers more than 10,000 custom short URLs and offers an analytics service that helps users grow their social media traffic.  
The next thing to use is Facebook Insights. Only available for Business Pages.
1) The average number of LIKES and/or comments.
These stats provide information on your engagement and interaction. It tracks the LIKES and number of comments per post. Get know what posts work and don’t work.
2) Unlikes.
Watch for UNLIKE spikes. Then pay attention to the content you posted at the time of the UNLIKE spike. This will give you insight as to why people left your page.
Start Thinking About Your Facebook Updates, how to Get In Front of More People!
Remember anything posted on Facebook whether it’s a link or video or picture status update, are all considered as an object.
You need to know the following… read this article! How Facebook Ranks Your Page
As you have read Facebook is all about edges, each text update, link, or video or picture update as an object that has three edges. These edges will determine what Facebook thinks is important enough to put into the top news feeds of your fans. You want to show up in the TOP NEWS of your Facebook home page. That’s the page that is displayed by default when you click your Home button. It gets a lot of eye balls looking!
Your goal is to get into the top news feeds. Here’s how!
When your object is placed on another person’s Facebook Home Page, This is the Facebook way of displaying the updates they Facebook think you care about and interested in the most you have indicated this behaviorally.
  • By liking and commenting those objects.
  • How often is the user checking you out?
  • How often are they are clicking on your posts and  interacting with you,
  • If they are Commenting and more weight is given to comments than LIKE's.
  • LIKING. /unliking,
  • If your content is recent and has a lot of activity.
It is very important knowing when and what to post.
Pictures elicit more response.
There is a lot of research on this topic. Some contradictory. Types of posts as measured by fan responses likes and shares.
  • Image posts received 54% more engagement than text.
  • Video posts received 27% more engagement than text.
  • Image posts received 22% more engagement than video.
Master WHEN to post.
Friday posts generate the most engagement. Posts made before noon get 65% more engagement than posts after noon. Posting in the morning works!
Master WHAT to Post.
Links to your blog posts and 3rd party articles. If you blog often, which is recommended, aim for 40% to your blog and 60% to other articles.
Use Google Reader and to find content. If you’re having trouble finding content that you think would be useful to your fans, use
Use to help you answer the question, “What’s happening?” about the topic or industry that most interests you. Then display the five most recent headlines of the information sources as well as their first paragraph. does this by collecting the headlines of the latest stories from the best sites and blogs that cover that particular topic. They group these collections “aggregations” into individual web pages.
Google Reader and Google Blog   about Google Reader
Google Reader constantly checks your favorite news sites and blogs for new content. Whether a site updates daily or monthly, you can be sure that you won’t miss a thing. Google Reader keeps track of your favorite websites. Google Reader is also a great way to listen what’s happening in your industry.
It’s simplifies your reading experience by showing you all your favorite sites in one convenient place. It’s like a personalized inbox that you can check daily or weekly (or whenever). Also makes it easy to discover new content that interests you or your target market
Use video
You can find great content on YouTube that your audience will find of value. Share 3rd party videos too. The best are the videos created by you. Create your own videos. Check my blog
Post photos
Mix up your photos, make sure they are all photos that you’re comfortable sharing 80% professional and/or business related and  20% of you that is the more personal touch.
Create friends lists refer to my blog 
It is very important to monitor what content is being shared on your Facebook via your niche. Because you’re only seeing their posts. This cuts out a lot of the time thing.
Take These Next Actions!
Decide on how will you know if it’s working for you? Know the answer to this question before you get started.
  • Create more content and create it more often. Post 3 times a day.
  • Activate your network. Give them something to do with each of your posts a call to actions. Have them vote on something, click on a link to great content, answer a question, post a photo. Tell them what to do!
  • Create a page that will direct them to your website, your blog!
You are reading How to Create a Facebook Updating Strategy that Works for You Read more from this series of posts. 
The information I have shared should get you started on the right track and save you time and money.
If you would like to know more about us or you are looking at a business just take a look at what we are doing. You can do this by enter your details below.
 It’s free to look. And it is your choice!
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I hope this information has been helpful to you and I can be of further help in the future.

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7 Steps to Create and Promote Your Facebook Business Page

A lot of people ask what they should be doing to build out their Facebook Business Page. This post delivers the seven steps I have taken to build my Facebook Business Page.

Here are the 7 Steps to Create and Promote Your Facebook Business Page

1. Create your page for your Product, Service, Program or Business.
Or just focus on your passions, it’s a good idea to at least create your own Facebook page.

2. Create a custom Welcome page.
Use video on this Welcome page.
If you’re not an established brand, we definitely encourage the video.
In the video, answer the following questions: Who you are, What you do, What’s in it for them, show your personality (keep it casual and friendly) and ask for the LIKE in the video.
And here is a good example of a video Welcome page at Teamworldtel

3. Add your Facebook Page to your profile page.
If you want to optimize your Facebook profile for your business, this simple (yet effective) tip can help you do just that!
Make sure your Facebook Business page gets the most visibility on your Facebook Profile. Go to your profile click on edit profile click on education and work and in the Employer field type in your employers name and if you have a page your page will come up in the drop down list just click on that. 

4. Create a branded, full size wall image.
Create your wall image so that it’s the maximum size Facebook allows (180 x 540 pixels). The reason – it’s your billboard. Lots of eyeballs fall on this image. Maximize it. Let people know what you do.

5. Add the LIKE button and LIKE box to your website.

6. Post regularly. Like 3-5 times per day.
First goal should be to encourage engagement NOT pitching your business. Be sure to create a Facebook update strategy that works for you.

7. Experiment with Facebook ads for 30 days.
You can get started with a budget even as low as $5 to $10 a day. But don’t do it unless you already have the previous six steps in place. Never pay for ads if you don’t have an end goal.

You are reading 7 Steps to Create and Promote Your Facebook Business Page Read more from this series of posts.
The information I have shared should get you started on the right track and save you time and money.
If you would like to know more about us or you are looking at a business just take a look at what we are doing. You can do this by enter your details below.
 It’s free to look. And it is your choice!
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I hope this information has been helpful to you and I can be of further help in the future.

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