Internet Presence is Great - Internet Search Presence is Grand

You may be asking why go to this effort to create a Blogger site or Web site in the internet when you possibly have a “generic site” provided by your Network marketing company.  

The simple fact is the internet and on line business is the same as a brick and mortar street side business. Only passers by and people you know by will look in to your business.

It is fine to just add your generic shop site and hope that your friends of some one out there will stumble upon your site and look in and you may think this is how the internet works. But the internet reality is it wont!
For your site to be successful, it has to be all about driving people globally into your store because that generates real success.

Generic sites do not have Unique Search differences in the Internet
Simply because of what is called Internet Search Presence or the ability to have a Ranking.  

The key to getting people into your site is to be on page one of any search and preferably as high on that page above the fold. Your site is visible before the base of the screen, without scrolling down.
To do this you need a high ranking in a search from a Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Or pay a very large amount of money for the privilege to be on the top 3

A Search Engine is a program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found ranked according to relevance A search engine is really a general class of programs, the term is often used to specifically describe systems like Google and Yahoo these enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web.

Because your store site or your business builders site are what are call “generic”, The webots (the search engine robots) look at a generic sites very differently, they over look these sites in a search ranking, Because all of the information in these sites is the same, it is generic the keywords in the documents are exactly the same there are thousands of these same name sites, same keywords and they rank the same. And the search engine finds these easily and dismisses them from a search.

If the search site systems like Google and Yahoo did rank generic sites a search would show hundreds of pages all the same, in the rankings your generic site would be lost in the masses and the users of the search site systems like Google and Yahoo would be not able to find your organic information.

This is Search Engine Marketing - The act of marketing a web site via search engines, improving rank in organic listings on the Internet the World Wide Web .

Generic sites do not have Unique Search differences on the Internet 

Just try a Google search and you will see for yourself, enter your generic site in the search box, you see they do not show up or do but not in your language, but look what is showing up on the search “Teamworldtel and this is real search presence
With the generic sites you have an internet presence and this is great, but you have little or no search presence. People wondering around the Internet cannot find your generic site or store without the full URL your EXACT ADDRESS in the internet shopping mall.

How many sites are out there? Well Billions know one has an exact figure but it is growing every second.
Remember this is just the first step By creating your own unique Blogger site or a unique web site you at least will stand out in the your crowd at your particular Network Marketing niche and that is a grand advantage to attract new people and business to you.

The next step is getting out there in front of your target market as quickly and to as many eyeballs as you can.
It takes time to grow an on line business, keep your expectations in check and use strategies for growth. “Create it and they will come”

You are reading Internet Presence is Great Internet Search Presence is Grand
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