Master your Mind set

The 4 personality types
Different personalities there are basically 4 personality types as far as we are concerned in Network Marketing.
So for Network Marketing purposes the population can be effectively divided into four 25 percent sections.
As a Network Marketing and in the real world our lives and the economy are in a state of constant change this is natural,
Human beings by there very nature are resistant to change, sometimes even for their own good. Understand also every generation produces these 4 personality types so it is not an age thing.

IT is important to understand that we have all of these 4 personality types in some way on some level, but you will find that one will be the dominant personality type. I discussed these personalities’ types in the context of Network Marketing. I have seen all of these personalities excel in the industry that is Network Marketing. In all cases it has been a matter of the Right Time meeting the Right Opportunity.

To label people is disingenuous and disrespectful these are personality types for your understanding.

1 Fixed personality types; these have fixed in their minds their perception of how every thing in the world is according to them. They will have a strong opinion on any and all subjects and tend to lean to the negative about anything new. Generally speaking you can recognise a fixed mindset personality by the “always right attitude”. Fixed personality types generally lost to new ideas and in the scheme of change in the world the will change very slowly or not at all. Please recognise that you may be in a relationship with a fixed personality. The advice is to love and respect them and their perception of the world as they see it and want to live in it. In Network Marketing they are nonstarters.

2 Comfortable personality types; are not fixed but are comfortable about their lot in life, they realise that all is not right with their world but they lack the motivation and desire to change. They can be recognised in general by their behaviour. They are likely to be the personality type that would rather lie on the couch and watch TV, even if the house was burning down around them so to speak. They may even have achieved success in some field and are perceive that they are financially comfortable they tend too have checked out emotionally from life and its constant change. Again love them with all your hart but to Network Marketing they are tend to be lost to us, unless massive change moves them into some sort of action. In Network Marketing they are also nonstarters.

3 The Joiner personality type; the lets have fun types, for these personality types tend to not want to miss out on anything. They join almost anything, just to say that they are part of it. They are normally enthusiastic and may be recognised as habitual event attendees, they always show great promises, but in the Network Marketing business I find they tend to require you’re most important and precious commodity “Your time” and this can be frustrating. There enthusiasm is short lived maybe until the next shiny opportunity comes along a kind of wondering generality. Dedication, commitment and focus on the end goal tend to be low. Because of the time you may invest in the joiner type they can be a huge drain on your emotional reserves and can greatly influence your Dedication, commitment and focus on the end goal you “Why”. In Network Marketing these personality types are starters but generally are non finishers and are likely too quit along the way they may try to get you to quit in support of them. It is important to recognise this type of personality quickly, be supportive of them but remain steadfast in your goals don’t become one of them a wondering generality.

4 This personality I call winners so how do we recognise them. They tend to be the personality type that excels in most things they take an interest in. They may be high level retired from sports or successful in business or that someone you know that is always on the go doing something. Winners come from all walks of life! What winners understand is the need to be coach able and to be coached or mentored. They are heavily into personal development and read or listen to personal development materials. Winners set goals and have a game plan for their life. They understand desire and commitment and have the ability and skill to focus their mind like a laser on their goals. They attract winner type personalities to them, more than likely other winners. They are contributing to society on many levels, they are givers not takers. These are the personality type you want in your Network Marketing business at any level.

Positive or Negative Mind Set
Positive thinking people tend to look at the glass as half full while negative thinking people see it half empty it is a simple test. You will notice I used Positive Thinking and Negative Thinking. Not positive people and negative people these are labels and all labels are disingenuous and disrespectful.

The amazing thing is that positive and negative thoughts are just a flash of electrons in your brain that perceive either a positive or negative situation that seems very real at the time. A thought a perception.
The other amazing fact of the human brain supported by science is that positive and negative thoughts cannot occupy the same space.
This implies that we have a choice in the matter we get an opportunity to make a decision do I choose to look at life in a positive manner or do I choose to look at life in a negative manner.
It is your choice!
The other amazing thing is what we choose is what we get more of. I do not know why this is so but it is. No doubt there will be a professor that can explain this much better than I can.

In this case the reason why dose not matter. It is the result that matters.
But the fact is they are thoughts that we perceive and we have a choice in the matter.
These thoughts are the basis of our Emotions.

 In Network Marketing these positive and negative emotions (thoughts) are often associated with a roller coaster ride. The emotional roller coaster.
So much time and energy is given to helping people understand and cope with the emotional roller coaster of Network Marketing. So what causes these ups and downs? EXPECTATIONS or more importantly expectations that we set and are not met. Expectations come from our thoughts so we have choice here as well!

Now some of you will be saying well if I don’t have and set expectations I won’t achieve my goals and that is a valid point.
The emotional roller coaster is happening to you because your goals are short term goals from short term thinking, it is this short term thinking that makes the ride wild and you feel (thought) that you have no control over it.
So what is the first thing you must do to be a participant on the emotional roller coaster ride?

Answer you must get in it or on it. WHY?
It is your choice!

What I have found is that by having long term Goals and long them thinking you also have long term expectations and you will get their faster, because you are not wasting energy and time on coping with the effects of the emotional roller coaster. Yes there will be disappointments and yes there will be successes it is a journey, it is the long term thinking that will get your goals.

Having this mind set also has a greater attraction. You appear to have less desperation and a sense of calmness. People are attracted to this. It makes them curious of what you are doing!

Think of it this way. When you were dating, by giving off the air of confidence and calmness did you have better results than when you appeared desperate? People are not attracted to desperate people it is a fact in nature. Why I honestly do not know. What I do know is that if you master this strategy you will have greater success why, because it works! People like strong confident people.

Employee Vs Business mindset
I am surprised how many people come to Network marketing as Independent Business Owners (they have purchased a business) and then maintain the representative mentality, the employee mind set.

It is understandable the fact is we are all trained like Pavloff’s Dogs from a very young age to become employees think like employees and act like employees. That is sad about this is that for many the training is so complete they cannot see it?
How did this happen? Simply an outdated belief from a time long gone “the industrial revolution”! Don’t believe me? Short History lesson, prior to the industrial revolution children if their parents could afford it were educated at home by a tutor home Schooling. Those parents unable to afford home tutoring or were uneducated, well basically their children were left uneducated to do menial work.
With the industrial revolution came expensive machinery housed in mills and the mill owners (the landed gentry) soon realised that they needed an educated work force to operate this expensive machinery. The educated landed gentry just would not do (conditions were very poor). Private Corporation schools were introduced then them mill owners (landed gentry) persuaded the governments of the day (more landed gentry) that public government schools would be a great idea.
Children would be required to be at school at a certain time. The ringing of a bell or the Corporation whistle was used. They worked for a time and a bell would be rung for lunch break and also rung at the end of the days school work. If you have children at school or if you are an employee you will know that not much has changed in a hundred or so years has it? Well we commute our children to school like we commute to work.
Fortunately for us all the world has changed. Today we now have Telecommunications, Computers, the World Wide Web (Internet), Video telecommunications, mobile telecommunications, Television, Social Networks. Network Marketing and we even have “Home Schooling”
We have the tools that allow us to have home based businesses.

If you are considering getting into the Network Marketing industry it is about now you might want to consider and take on board this paradigm shift in your thinking.

The information I have shared should get you started on the right track and keep you there, save you time and money.
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I hope this information has been helpful to you and I can be of further help in the future.

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