Step 3: Master the way to raising interest and curiosity

Remember network marketing is Relationship type Word of mouth referral based marketing.

This is where the rubber meets the road so to speak you now need to start developing and building relationships people not just prequalifies people the stronger the relationship the greater the trust factor. Just communicate with them!

An inability of IBO’s to master Curiosity and temper excitement leads to Failure Point 3 (Raising curiosity in what you do and not what you sell)A new network marketer needs to develop, learn and Master the power of CURIOSITY Simply Curiosity is King and excitement is Queen.

People by nature can easily become curious about anything. Try this go to any busy people place and simply look up and continue to look up and stay quiet you will be amazed at how many people will follow your lead and look up with you, why CURIOSITY.
Questions and answers but more specific the right questions and the right curiosity generating answers are the only way to create overwhelming curiosity in a person.

You are looking for a Switch!
Raising interest is just that, IT IS NOT A PRESENTATION do not put them to together.
You can make an appointment or arrange a time to catch up later but not now.
Why do I recommend this?
Because it works!
Time is required for people to be curious, it is like boiling a jug of water you need a small action switch it on and time to elevate curiosity to boiling point. Find the value to them as to being in the business  and when you do and you have your Switch!

Why not tell them everything up front.
Because In my Business the Business Opportunity is a life changing opportunity for people. I would be doing them a great disservice if I blurted out what I have then I would be selling them on my perceived thoughts and desires and preconceptions and all of these are mine not theirs.

It is extremely important to them that the people I meet get the opportunity to SEE what I Know with an open mind and no preconceptions they must own it and make their own INFORMED decisions. I want to help my friends and family and people not be of disservice.

What they do after a Presentation is up to them it is their choice!

For example I get asked “Brian what do you do for a living” by people every day .people I meet often for the first time (natural curiosity). Most people would answer with I AM a (what ever their profession is) example” I am an accountant”. Would that answer make you curious and ask more question, likely not. Inquiry question will not come from people that have preconceived ideas of an accountant (I am not having a go at accountants I am just using this as an example). I answer “I help people Get Paid on Bills” and in my case I have a business that indeed will do just that.

I have found over time this approach works very well simply to create curiosity because it creates a follow up inquiry question from them for more information. They might ask how do you do that I say “it is very easy to get paid on Bills, but here is not the place to explain it, you are both busy now but perhaps we could get together in the next few days, would you like that?” If they want more info and they normally do, I suggest a get together in their HOME always in their home if I can and we make an appointment. The end!

It is not an exact science you need to be natural honest and sound unscripted people can tell a scripted response a mile away.

 This very important stage should bee kept brief. Your goal if you like is an appointment for a presentation not a sale.

Click the link for information on how to do an Effective Presentation

The information I have shared should get you started on the right track and keep you there, save you time and money.
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I hope this information has been helpful to you and I can be of further help in the future.

More in this series Click post: Step 4 Master the Effective Presentation Method

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