Your Business Soul

Customer or Client. Have you ever considered the definitions of these to words?

Customer: A person who purchases a commodity or services.
Client: A person who is under the protection of another.

The use of customer is common today if you have always used the word “customers” that OK but regard and think of them as “Clients”. Because when you start to serve and not sell clients an amazing thing happens to the way you look at them and the limits on your business growth will disappear.
What is meant by "Under your protection" it means just that you don’t sell them products and services just so you can make the largest one time profit possible. Understanding and appreciating what it is that your client is in need of, once you completely understand the final outcome they need then you lead them to the result they require the outcome to fulfil their need. You become a trusted advisor who protects them and they have reason to remain your client for a lifetime.

The strategy of Pre-eminence; Your Business Soul
Early in my sales and marketing career I was introduce to this The strategy of Pre-eminence  by one of the masters in marketing industry Mr Jay Abraham author of many books on the subject of marketing. I have never met him, but I thank him for his insight and guidance. The strategy of Pre-eminence has created mountains of success in my business and life and continues to do so today.

The strategy of Pre-eminence is a powerful but simple strategy that when employed transforms your career and your Business. It will make people enthusiastic to do business with you rather than your competitors. It will turn your clients into friends for life and strengthen your passion and connection to everyone with whom you associate. Why is the strategy of Pre-eminence so powerful, because when you master and employ the strategy of Pre-eminence, you will always stand out in the minds and harts of your clients, your boss, your friends as the very best the preeminent choice in their life.

So what is the strategy of Pre-eminence simply the ability to put the needs of your client always ahead of your own! When you master this, successes will naturally follow.This may seem backwards to you now. That is because every competitor you have is operating the other way, they are selling their customers, their focus is on the ”me”. Your competitors are putting their own needs ahead of their “Customers” needs. They have a customer relationship.
Because you will be employing the strategy of Pre-eminence the focus changes from the “Me” to the “you” in your business. You will be a trusted advisor to your clients and friends; you will have a “client relationship” with the people whom you associate.
The information I have shared should get you started on the right track and keep you on it, save you time and money.
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I hope this information has been helpful to you and I can be of further help in the future.
More please click the Post: Why this is The Perfect Business

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